1. Electronic Journal of Environmental Sciences Vol. 8, 1-9 (2015)
Inter tidal distribution pattern of five common Gastropods along Saurashtra Coast, Gujarat, India
Trivedi J. N. and Vachhrajani, K. D.
Marine Biodiversity and Ecology Lab, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, The M. S. University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat E. mail: kauresh@gmail.com
Abstract: Seasonal changes and effect of abiotic factors on distribution pattern of five common gastropod species like Turbo intercoastalis, Lunella coronata, Astrea stellata, Cerithium scabridum and Cerithideopsilla cingulata were studied on rocky intertidal area of four different sites situated along the coastal areas of Saurashtra, Gujarat, India. Total 10 Line transect intercepted with 0.25 m2 quadrate were laid perpendicular to the shore line at each study site. The study revealed that most of the species showed more or less even distribution pattern in all the zones of intertidal area of different study sites although each species utilized distinct micro habitats. Significant spatial and temporal variations were recorded for the density and abundance of different species in different seasons at various study sites. Amongst the different abiotic factors studied, sea water temperature and pH showed significant correlation with the abundance of the species at different sites. The present study reveals that different kind of abiotic parameters, micro habitat availability and substratum act as controlling factors of population structure and distribution pattern of gastropod species.
Key words:Gastropods, Saurashtra cost
2. Electronic Journal of Environmental Sciences Vol. 8, 11-15 (2015)
Response of exogenous abscisic acid on photosynthesis in contrasting rice genotypes under salinity shock
Kalariya, K A., Shah, R R. and Mahatma, M.K.
Department of Agricultural Botany, Directorate of Groundnut Research, Junagadh 362001, Gujarat.
E. mail: maheshmahatma@gmail.com,
Abstract: Various physiological parameters were studied to assess the effects of abscisic acid (ABA 0.1 mM) as foliar spray in combination with various salt treatments for 72 h at flowering stage in contrasting rice cultivars. Salinity shock with 300 mM NaCl has reduced RWC, total chlorophyll content, net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate but, increased total carotenoids content. Salinity shock with 200 mM NaCl was statistically at par with 300 mM NaCl for most of the parameters studied. All the rice varieties responded to ABA treatment in the way similar to salt stress for the photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate and 0.1 mM ABA spray showed its highest influence on physiological parameters when incorporated with the highest salinity level.
Key words: Rice genotypes, Salinity
3. Electronic Journal of Environmental Sciences Vol. 8, 17-22 (2015)
Relative water content as an index of permanent wilting in groundnut under progressive water deficit stress
Kalariya, K.A. Singh, A L., Chakraborty, K., Patel, C.B. and Zala, P.V.
ICAR-Directorate of Groundnut Research, PB # 05, Junagadh 362001, Gujarat
E. mail: kuldeep_ka@yahoo.co.in, Cell: 09427710751
Abstract: The relationship between relative water content (RWC) and permanent wilting was studied in 21 Spanish groundnut cultivars by imposing 60 days of progressive stress (DPS) by withholding irrigation 24 days after emergence (DAE) and periodical recording of soil moisture content, soil temperature, leaf RWC and wilting symptoms and then re-watering and recording of rejuvenation during Summer season. With increasing water deficit stress, the leaf RWC declined progressively in all cultivars with mean values of 92, 85, 77, 69 and 61 at 10, 25, 35, 50 and 60 DPS, respectively. Amazingly, even after 60 DPS, the RWC was above 60 in 13 out of 21 cultivars of which 11 cultivars showed <25% visual wilting (VWP) and of these seven cultivars i.e. TPG 41, ICGV 86590, TG 37A, Girnar 3, AK 159, GG 4 and DRG 12 showing <10% permanent wilting (PWP) are promising. The study conclude that lower limit of RWC in groundnut leaves causing permanent wilting though varied with cultivars, the groundnut plants could survive moisture deficit up to 60% RWC and further reduction enhanced permanent wilting. A strong inverse relation between RWC at 60 DPS and VWP (r= -0.74**) and RWC at 60 DPS and PWP (r= -0.76**) respectively, indicate that RWC at the 60 DPS determines the mortality of groundnut plants undergoing severe moisture deficit stress.
Key words : Groundnut, Water deficit stress
4. Electronic Journal of Environmental Sciences Vol. 8, 23-31 (2015)
Crustacean fauna of Gujarat state of India: A review
Trivedi, D.J., Trivedi, J.N., Soni, G.M., Purohit, B.D. and Vachhrajani, K.D.
Marine Biodiversity and Ecology Lab., Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, The M. S. University of Baroda, Vadodara 390 002, Gujarat. E. mail: kauresh@gmail.com
Abstract: The present work was carried out to review the existing literature available on the crustacean macro fauna of the Gujarat state. Many researchers have studied the marine fauna of Gujarat but amongst them the crustacean fauna is least studies. In the present study, the literature published on the crustacean fauna of Gujarat was collected from various sources like institutes, internet and private depository of researchers. The literature collected was reviewed to prepare a checklist of the crustacean species. Field studies were also carried out in different parts of Gujarat for the collection of crustaceans and the species identification. The taxonomy of the recorded species was revised based on the recent information available on the crustacean fauna. Total 157 species (Isopods 1 species; Amphipods 1 species; Barnacles 2 species; Anomuran crabs 6 species; Brachyuran crabs 113 species; Prawns and Shrimps 30 species; Lobster 3 species and Stomatopods 1 species) belonging to 87 genera and 41 families are so far reported from Gujarat. Maximum diversity of crustacean was reported from Gulf of Kachchh (138 species) followed by Saurashtra coast (75 species) and Gulf of Khambhat (36 species). The checklist of crustacean species and their distribution in different coastal areas of Gujarat is given in the present report.
Key words: Crustaceans, Gujarat, Checklist, Coastal area
5. Electronic Journal of Environmental Sciences Vol. 8, 33-42 (2015)
On new records of hermit crabs (Anomura: paguroidea diogenidae) from Gujarat state of India
Trivedi, J. N., Soni, G. M., Trivedi, D. J., Purohit, B. D. and Vachhrajani, K. D.
Marine Biodiversity and Ecology Lab., Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara-390002, Gujarat, India. E. email: kauresh@gmail.com
Abstract: The present paper describes five new records of hermit crab species like Clibanarius infraspinatus (Hilgendorf, 1869), Clibanarius padavensis De Man, 1888, Clibanarius signatus Heller, 1961, Diogenes alias McLaughlin & Holthuis 2001 and Diogenes custos Fabricius 1798 from coastal waters of Gujarat state. Detail morphological descriptions of the species are given in the report.
Key words: Hermit crabs, Gujarat
6. Electronic Journal of Environmental Sciences Vol. 8, 43-48 (2015)
Estimation of withdrawal period of levofloxacin in liver and breast muscle tissue of dual purpose chicken
Ravikumar. C., Sanganal, J.S., Shridhar. N.B., Narayanaswamy, H.D., Ansar Kamran, C. and Ramachandra, S. G.
Department of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology. Veterinary College, Hebbal,
Bengaluru 560024, Karnataka. E. mail: ravivet4u@rediffmail.com
Abstract: The present study was carried out to evaluate the withdrawal period of levolfoxacin after repeated oral administration for five days in dual purpose chicken. The study was conducted in Indian Rock -3, a dual purpose chicken strain of White Plymoth Rock developed by Karnataka Veterinary Animal Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar. Birds in the age group of thirty days, were divided in to two groups. Group I (n=10) birds served as control, the tissue samples of which were used for the standardization of the instrument, Liquid chromatography-Mass spectrometry. Group- II (n=80) birds received levofloxacin at 10 mg per kg body weight orally for five days. Residue analysis in liver and breast muscle were analysed by LC-MS. The residue concentration of levofloxacin were gradually decreased in chicken liver and breast muscle samples starting from day one to day ten after the last dose. Levofloxacin was estimated to have pre slaughter withdrawal period of four to five days in comparison with maximum residue level of 200, and 100 µg / kg for liver and breast muscle respectively as per European economic community council regulations. It was concluded that slower elimination of levofloxacin from the body could be attributed to its liphophilicity and hish tissue perfusion rate.
Key words: Levofloxacins, Chicken
7. Electronic Journal of Environmental Sciences Vol. 8, 49-56 (2015)
Macrobenthos interactions and their distribution on lower estuarine mudflats of mahi river, Gujarat, India
Gadhavi, M. K. and Vachhrajani, K. D.
Marine Biodiversity and Ecology Lab, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara –390002, Gujarat, E. mail: kauresh@gmail.com,
Abstract: Juvenile recruitment, interactions of macrobenthos andtheir distribution pattern were studied along the intertidal area of Kamboi, Gulf of Khambhat. The study area was divided in five zones with respect to its sediment characteristics. The sediments were analysed for sand, silt and clay ratio, soil organic carbon, water content (%), porosity, wet and dry bulk densities. Twelve transects of 200 m covering all specified zones were laid monthly, perpendicular to the shore line from surf zone to lower intertidal area spreading over nearly 3 km length of the estuary and distribution pattern of macrobenthos was evaluated. Density of four dominant macrobenthos was evaluated monthly by quadrate sampling and fluctuation in density was studied. Impact of juvenile recruitment period of Boleophthalmus dussumieri and Dotilla blandfordi on distribution of these and other macrobenthos was studied. The results suggest that abiotic factor like sediment characteristic play major role in habitat preference and thus over all distribution pattern of macrobenthos but biotic factor like juvenile recruitment and resulting interactions alter the distribution pattern of macrobenthos for specific period at intertidal area of Kamboi.
Key words: Brachyuran crab, Mudskipper, Juvenile recruitment, Gulf of Khambha
8. Electronic Journal of Environmental Sciences Vol. 8, 57-59 (2015)
Prenatal development of goat foetii (Capra hircus)
Dar, Y.M., Sarma, K., Suri, S., Devi, J. Bhat, A.A. and Dar, A.M.
Division of Veterinary Anatomy, , FVSc and AH, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology Kashmir (SKUAST-K) E. mail: yousufdar8@gmail.com,
Abstract: The present study was conducted on 18 goat foetii divided into three prenatal age groups to study the basic information about the prenatal development of goats. Gravid uterii were collected from the abattoir in and around the Jammu city to study the prenatal development of goat foetii. After splitting of uteri and separating of fetal membranes foetii were expelled. Then the weights of fetuses, crown-rump lengths (CRL) and, chest circumference were recorded. The results showed that the CRL and chest circumferences were increased with an increase of gestational age. Also the weights of fetuses were increased from early to late stages of gestational ages. It is concluded that various parameters of fetal intra uterine growth could be attributed to the breed, nutritional status, age and genetic factors.
Key words: Prenatal, Development, Goat foetii, Crown rump length
