1. Journal of Cell and Tissue Research 12(2) 3133-3139 (2012)
Immunohistochemical and quantitative real time PCR expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in canine mammary tumours
Shettar, M., Rao, S., Byregowda, S.M., Sathyanarayana, M.L., Purushttam, K.M., Ramachandra, S.G., Suryanarayana, V.V.S. and Shridhar, N.B.
Department of Pathology, Veterinary College, Hebbal, KVAFSU, Bangalore 560024.
E. mail: shettardr@gmail.com
Abstract: Canine malignant mammary gland tumours were surgically resected from 20 dogs to determine the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Formalin fixed, paraffin wax embedded histological sections were immunostained with monoclonal antibody mouse monoclonal VEGF antibody (clone VG- 1). Appearance of brown staining involving cytoplasm of cells was considered as positive reaction. Further VEGF mRNA gene was assessed by qRT PCR for quantitative expression in different tumours types. Expression of VEGF was observed in all malignant neoplasms with higher expressions in adenosquamous carcinoma and tubular papillary adenocarcinoma. VEGF was proved to be a factor of angiogenesis in canine mammary tumours.
Key words: Vascular endothelial growth factor, Mammary gland tumour, Immunohistochemistry
2. Journal of Cell and Tissue Research 12(2) 3141-3147 (2012)
Stability indicating RP-HPLC method for the estimation of racecadotril in pharmaceutical dosage form
Akiful Haque, M., Nasare, M., Hasan Amrohi, S., Satish, J., Jainendra Kumar and Praksh Diwan, V.
School of Pharmacy, Anurag Group of Institutions, Venkatapur, Ghatkesar, R.R,
Hyderabad 500061. E. mail: akif963@gmail.com
Abstract: A simple, specific, accurate, precise and stability-indicating reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) method is developed for estimation of Racecadotril in tablet dosage form. The method employed, Microbondapak C18, 5µm,50 x 4.6 mm i.d. column in isocratic mode, with mobile phase of methanol, water and acetonitrile in the ratio 6:3:1(v/v/v) . The flow rate was 0.5mL min-1 and effluent was monitored at 220 nm. Retention time was found to be 3.877 ± 0.40 min, respectively. The method was validated in terms of linearity, accuracy, precision, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ) etc. in accordance with ICH guidelines. Linear regression analysis data for the calibration plot showed that there was good linear relationship between response and concentration in the range of 5- 200 µg/ml respectively. The LOD and LOQ values for HPLC method were found to be 1.2 and 3.6 µg/ml respectively. No chromatographic interference from tablet excipients was found. The proposed method was successfully used for estimation of Racecadotril in tablet dosage form.
Key words: Racecadotril, Reverse phase- High performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC)
3. Journal of Cell and Tissue Research 12(2) 3149-3155 (2012)
Temporal and spatial expression of flavonoid biosynthetic genes in petals of cotton
Barkeer, S.K., Burdekar, V.K., Sangannavar, P.A., Mohan, T.C., Vamadevaiah, H.M., Khadi, B.M. and
Katageri, I.S.
Agricultural Research Station, Dharwad farm, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad 580007.
E. mail: ikatageri@yahoo.co.in
Abstract: The cultivated upland cotton have petal color varying over white, cream, light yellow, yellow and reddish spotted yellow petals which often becomes pinkish or purplish with maturation. Our aim was to determine the molecular basis of pigmentation in petals of cotton. Flavonoid biosynthetic genes encoding chalcone synthase, chalcone isomerase, flavonone 3-hydroxylase, dihydroflavonol 4-reductase, anthocyanidin synthase, anthocyanidin reductase were used for primer designing and to detect transcript. The expression of flavonoid biosynthetic genes in cream, yellow, reddish spot of yellow and pink petals of cotton were studied by reverse transcription-PCR from total RNA. Transcripts of all flavonoid biosynthetic genes were found in yellow (except chalcone isomerase), pink and reddish spot of yellow petals. Accumulation of chalcones in yellow petals was confirmed by simple histochemical test. Dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde staining demonstrated the presence of proanthocyanidins in pink and yellow petals. Expression of flavonoid biosynthetic genes, detection of chalcones and proanthocyanidins in various colored petals of cotton indicates that the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway is responsible for pigmentation in various colored petals of cotton.
Key words: Flavonoid biosynthetic genes, Cotton petal
4. Journal of Cell and Tissue Research 12(2) 3157-3162 (2012)
Mesenchymal stromal cells do not self-synchronize protein synthesis rhythm but able to respond to the melatonin synchronizing signal
Brodsky, V.Y., Vasiliev, A.V., Terskikh, V.V., Zvezdina, N.D., Fateeva, V.I., Malchenko, L.A., Kiseleva, E.V.
and Bueverova, E.I.
Institute of Developmental Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 26 Vavilov st. 119334, Moscow, Russia.
E. mail: brodsky.idb@bk.ru
Abstract: Ultradian protein synthesis rhythm has been detected in hepatocyte and keratinocyte cultures maintained on slides in serum-free medium. Now we report a novel cell type, the mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC). Under similar conditions, the rhythm was not observed in MSC cultures obtained either from rat bone marrow or human adipose tissue. In MSC, this rhythm was initiated by 2nM melatonin adding to the medium for 5 min. The rhythm initiated by melatonin was not detected after pretreatment MSC cultures with intracellular calcium chelator BAPTA-AM (1,2–bis (2-aminophenoxy) ethane–N, N, N’, N’– tetraacetic acid (acetomethul) ester,) – 2 µM, 60 min. The same effect was exerted by protein kinases inhibitor – H7 (1-(5-isoquinolinesulfonyl)-5-methylpiperasine dihydrochloride) – 40 µM, 60 min. Similar effects, but induced with endogenous synchronization, have been earlier shown for hepatocytes and keratinocytes. Differences in cell-cell communication between epithelial and MSC have been discussed.
Key words: Mesenchymal stromal cells, Cell-cell communications; intercellular signals
5. Journal of Cell and Tissue Research 12(2) 3163-3168 (2012)
Electrophoretic protein patterns during larval development of Chilo partellus ( Swinhoe)
Nalawade, S.P. and Bakare, R.V.
Department of Zoology, Yashawantrao Chavan Institute of Science, Satara. 415001 (M.S.)
E. mail: drsavita73@indiatimes.com
Abstract: Chilo partellus is one of the most serious maize stem borer. The electrophoretic protein patterns during larval development of Chilo partellus have been studied. The larval developmental period is of 28 days. Gradual increase in no of protein fractions from 1 to 2 day and decrease from 2 to 4 day larvae was observed. With the onset of second instar sharp increase in no. of protein fractions was observed and after 5 day it decline and remain constant up to 10 day larvae. With the onset of third instar larva gradual increase in number of protein fractions was observed up to 13 day and then sharp decrease in number of protein fractions were observed upto end of the instar. Sharp increase in protein fractions were observed with the onset of fourth instar and sharp decrease was observed at the end of fourth instar larvae. In the fifth instar larvae decrease in number of protein fractions were observed from 24 to 28 day. The physiological significance of proteins during larval development of Chilo partellus is discussed.
Key words: Electrophoresis, Proteins, Larval development, Chilo partellus.
6. Journal of Cell and Tissue Research 12(2) 3169-3172 (2012)
Modulation of rifampicin induced depletion of glutathione in liver of male albino rats by Mandur bhasma
Bakare, R.V. and Nalawade, S.P.
Department of Zoology, Kisan Veer Mahavidyalaya, Wai 412803 (M.S.). E. Mail: ravi_bakare@indiatimes.com.
Abstract: Rifampicin is used to treat tuberculosis. However, the drug is also known to cause hepatotoxicity and exhibit increased incidence of hepatitis. This has been postulated to be due to rifampicin induced cytochrome induction causing an increased production of toxic metabolites. Glutathione is a small molecule made up of three amino acids that is produced in liver and exists in almost every cell of the body. Presence of Glutathione fulfills the need of antioxidants and plays role in biotransformation of durgs. Patients on concurrent rifampicin treatment show depletion of glutathione in liver. The aim of present work is to observe hepatoprotective effect of Mandur Bhasma on the rifampicin generated hepatotoxicity due to depletion of antioxydent. Male albino rats with 6 animals in each group were divided into four groups for the experiment. Group I was used as control, Group II was treated with rifampicin (50mg/kg body wt/day), Group III was treated with rifampicin (50mg/kg body wt/day) + mandur bhasma (10mg/kg body wt/day) and Group IV was treated with mandur bhasma (10mg/kg body wt/day) for 30 days. Liver and kidney were assayed for the content of glutathione. Restoration of glutathione level is observed when mandur bhasma given with the dose of rifampicin, while the level of glutathione level increased significantly in the liver of rats receiving only mandur bhasma.
Key words: Rifampicin, Mandur Bhasma, Glutathione
7. Journal of Cell and Tissue Research 12(2) 3173-3179 (2012)
Differential expression kinetics of heat shock protein 70 and associated cytokines between cattle and buffalo species
Pawar, H.N., Brah, G.S., Agrawal, R.K. and Ramneek
School of Animal Biotechnology, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana 141 004, Punjab, E. mail: hiteshvet@gmail.com
Abstract: The present work was designated to study the heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) and cytokines; tumour necrosis factor-á (TNF-á), interleukin-12 (IL-12) and granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (GMCSF) induction in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) isolated from cattle (Bos indicus) and buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Induction of expression kinetics at different temperatures and time durations were studied. The comparative expressions were studied in Real Time PCR using TaqMan chemistry. The expression of Hsp70 was increased as increase in temperature during the treatments. Differences were found in PBMC from buffaloes and cows among different treatments. The expression of Hsp70 positively correlated with the expression of all the cytokines genes investigated in the study indicating the representative role of Hsp70 as a cytoprotectant. Results indicated that PBMC from cows are less tolerant to chronic heat exposure than those from buffaloes, and that the lower tolerance is associated with higher expression of Hsp70, suggesting that the same level of hyperthermia may be associated with a differential decline of immune function in the two species. The present study on Hsp70 and its induction will help likely to solve the problems related to the present thermo-adaptability in cattle and buffaloes.
Key words: Hsp70, TNF- á, IL-12, GMCSF, Heat tolerance
8. Journal of Cell and Tissue Research 12(2) 3181-3186 (2012)
Interleukin-4 receptor α-chain variants in lymphatic filariasis
Sheik, Y., Qureshi, S. F., Venkateshwari, A., Basheeruddin, M. D. and Pratibha , N.
Department of Genetics, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, E. mail: prathinallari@yahoo.com
Abstract: The interleukin-4 (IL-4) is a key Th2 cytokine acting via IL-4 Receptor (IL-4R) signaling cascade which has been identified as a potentially important pathway in the development of Lymphatic filariasis. Genetic variants within this signaling pathway might contribute to the risk of developing filariasis in a given individual. IL-4Rα encodes a subunit of the interleukin-4 receptor, a molecule critical to T-helper cell development. Changes to IL-4R amino acid residues, particularly at Ile50Val, Ser478Pro, and Gln551Arg, have been shown to be functionally important and have an impact IL-4 receptor signaling. These extracellular I50V and cytoplasmic S478P & Q551R IL-4Rα SNPs were genotyped in 118 Lymphatic filariasis cases along with 100 non endemic and 50 endemic individuals. An increased risk of mutant V allele compared to I allele was observed with respect to both non-endemic (V vs I OR-1.50, CI 1.03-2.19, p 0.04) and Endemic controls (V vs I OR-1.94, CI 1.21-3.11 p 0.006). A significant LD was observed for Q551R and S478P (D’0.81, r2 0.58). Therefore, a role of V50 IL4 receptor allele may delineate the immune response during disease progression and can be a risk factor in the susceptibility of the condition. These findings suggest an important role for the IL4R gene in immune-related disease susceptibility
Key words: Interleukin-4 receptor, Lymphatic Filariasis,
9. Journal of Cell and Tissue Research 12(2) 3187-3192 (2012)
Purification, characterization and antifungal activity of Chitinase from Trichoderma viride N9
Giridhar, D., Ravi Sankar, N., Kiran Kumar, V., Kartheek, D., Rajanikanth, P. and Nagalakshmi Devamma, M.
Microbiology Laboratory, Global Institute of Biotechnology, Himayathnagar, Hyderabad 500029, A.P.;
E. mail: nrsr2008@yahoo.com
Abstract: A chitinase produced by Trichoderma viride N9 isolated from a soil sample collected from Nallamala forest, India, was purified and characterized. The enzyme was purified in three step procedure involving ammonium sulphate precipitation, sephadex G-100 gel filtration and DEAE-cellulose ion-exchange chromatography. Through the process 6-fold increase in purity with a specific activity of 142.7 U/mg proteins was obtained. The molecular mass of the purified chitinase was found to be 46 kDa by SDS-PAGE. It was optimally active at pH of 4 and at 40°C. The enzyme was stable from pH 3 to 6, and up to 50°C. Among the metals that were tested, the Fe2+, Hg2+, Mn2+ and Co2+ completely inhibited the enzyme activity. The enzyme was less sensitive to Al3+, Ca2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+. The purified chitinase showed antifungal activity against phytopathogenic fungi.
Key words: Chitinase, Trichoderma viride, Antifungal activity
10. Journal of Cell and Tissue Research 12(2) 3193-3197 (2012)
Studies on cyclical lipid chagnges in the testis of Rasbora daniconius
Ombase, C.P. and Pawar, B.K.
Dahiwadi College, Dahiwadi. Tal .- Man, Dist.- Satara 415 508 (M.S.). E. mail: cpombase1953@gmail.com
Abstract: In the present study, the cyclical changes of lipids in the testis of Rasbora daniconius were carried out. The neutral lipids and phospholipids were studied during the four stages of breeding cycle. It was found that neutral lipids were accumulated in the testis during pre breeding stage and metabolized during active breeding period i.e. lipids get decreased during breeding stage. Again it was found that lipids get accumulated from post breeding stage and subsequent period of quiescence. The phospholipids slowly increased from pre breeding period and attained high concentration during the active breeding period. Such increase in phospholipid values correlates with increasing number of sperm. The phospholipids showed the decreasing trend from post breeding period followed by quiescent period.
Key words: Lipids chances, Testis
11. Journal of Cell and Tissue Research 12(2) 3199-3204 (2012)
Studies on in vitro somatic embryogenesis of maize callus derived from mature embryos: A scanning electron microscopy
Dhillon, N.K., Kalia, A. and Gosal S.S.
Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004.
E mail: dhillon.navjot@gmail.com
Abstract: The objective of this study was to characterize nodular embryogenic calli from mature embryos of maize during induction of somatic embryogenesis. Mature embryos were treated in MS medium added picloram (10mg l-1) and 2,4-D (3.0 mg l-1). After three weeks, primary calli were subcultured on same media. After six weeks, the embryogenic calli were analyzed. The competent tissues of the zygotic embryos differentiated embryogenic calli under action of both picloram and 2,4-D where the presence of multi-granular structures were observed. Embryogenic callus of maize are normally maintained as a heterogeneous mixture of various morphotypes in different stages of development. With stringent selection, three Type II callus morphotypes have been maintained. Cultured tissue segments from the three morphotypes referred to as “pre-embryogenic”, “early embryogenic”, and “late embryogenic” were analysed using scanning electron microscopy. The results suggest a developmental relationship between the three morphotypes. Regeneration studies corrobate that all morphotypes were capable of regenerating through somatic embryogenesis. Observations showed that in the nodular embryogenic calli, the outlying parenchymal cells exhibit cellular characteristics of high mitotic activity.
Key words: Somatic embryogenesis, Maize callus, Scanning Electron Microscopy
12. Journal of Cell and Tissue Research 12(2) 3205-3211 (2012)
Effect of growth adjuvents on somatic embryogenesis in maize (Zea mays L.)
Dhillon, N.K. and Gosal, S.S.
Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004.
E. mail: dhillon.navjot@gmail.com
Abstract: Immature embryos LM5 inbred line were cultured on ten different media compositions based on MS salts containing different concentrations and combinations of auxins (IBA, 2, 4-D, picloram and NAA) and cytokinins (BAP and kinetin). The effect of antibiotic (cefotaxime), casein hydrolysate, silver nitrate, proline and was sucrose at different concentrations (3%, 6% and 9%) were also tried. After 3 weeks of incubation at 25 ± 2°C temperature in dark, immature embryos showed the formation of watery and non-embryogenic calli on all media combinations tried. Among ten different media compositions used for callus induction, the media composition, i.e., MS + 2,4-D (3.0 mgL-1) + Picloram (5.0 mgL-1) was better with callus induction frequency of 78.3%. In case somatic embryogenesis, MS medium supplemented with 2,4-D (1.5 mgL-1) + Pic (2.5 mgL-1) was found to be optimum with 70.6% induction of somatic embryogenesis. While the maximum regeneration (67.6%) was observed after 8-10 weeks of callus induction on medium with proline (3.0 mgL-1) + BAP (3.0 mgL-1) + kinetin (0.5 mgL-1) + gelrite (0.2%) somatic embryogenesis was observed to be enhanced by using casein hydrolysate (100 mgL-1), proline ( 300 mgL-1), cefotaxime (500 mgL-1) and silver nitrate (10 mgL-1), in callus cultures. For maize tissue culture, out of the three concentrations of sucrose as carbon sources tested, sucrose at 6% was found to be better.
Key words: Somatic embryogenesis, Zea mays L., Growth adjuvents
13. Journal of Cell and Tissue Research 12(2) 3213-3218 (2012)
In vitro plant regeneration studies in brinjal
Bardhan, S.K., Sharma, C. and Srivastava, D.K.
School of Agricultural Biotechnology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana 141 001 (Punjab)
E. mail: chhaya_uhf@yahoo.co.in
Abstract: The aim of this study was to develop an efficient protocol for establishment of in vitro plant regeneration through hypocotyl and cotyledon explants of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.). The cotyledon explants showed high frequency of shoot regeneration (77.46%) as compared to hypocotyl explants on modified Murashige and Skoog’s medium supplemented with 2.5 mg/l Kn + 0.4 mg/l IAA. Shoot elongation was carried out on same medium used for shoot regeneration. MS supplemented with 0.10 mg/l IAA was found best for root regeneration from in vitro raised shoots. The plantlets were able to regenerate within 8-10 weeks. The regenerated plantlets were acclimatized in pre-sterilized mixture of cocopeat. The protocol in the study might be useful for the production of disease free, healthy plant materials and also it would be useful for genetic transformation of eggplant using biotechnological approach.
Key words: Plant regeneration, Brinjal
14. Journal of Cell and Tissue Research 12(2) 3219-3224 (2012)
Morphogenetic competence and efficient plant regeneration in Indica rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Kaswan, V., Bhutani, S., Chowdhury, V. K. and Jain, R.K.
Department of Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar 125004, Haryana. E. mail: vineetkaswan@gmail.com
Abstract: Indica rice varieties have proven to be recalcitrant to plant regeneration and hence gene transfer to indica rice has been slow compared to japonica rice varieties. In the present study, morphogenetic competence and plant regeneration potential of thirteen commercially important indica rice varieties were evaluated. Three-week-old calli obtained from mature seed and immature embryo were serially cultured on to shoot regeneration medium I [MS basal medium containing 2.0 mg/l kinetin, 0.5 mg/l NAA (α-naphthalene acetic acid) and 1% agarose] and shoot regeneration medium II (MSK solidified using 0.5% agarose). Remarkable variation for shoot regeneration frequencies (9.3-91.3%) were observed depending upon the genotype and explant source. Immature embryo derived calli showed higher shoot regeneration in comparison to mature seed derived calli. Maximum shoot regeneration frequencies were recorded from immature embryo derived calli of Pusa Basmati 1 (91.3%) and mature seed derived calli of japonica rice variety TNG67 (90%). Among the indica rice varieties, Pusa Basmati 1 (91.3% and 79.0%), HKR46 (76.3% and 71.7%) and IR72 (72.3% and 64.9%) showed fairly high frequencies of shoot regeneration from immature embryo and mature seed derived calli, respectively. Shoot regeneration frequency improved by using zeatin as cytokinin in the regeneration medium. Shoots could be easily rooted in MS supplemented with 1.5 mg/l NAA. Plants were hardened and transplanted into the soil with >90% success. These plants invariably flowered, were fertile and set seeds.
Key words: Indica rice, Oryza sativa, Shoot regeneration, Embryogenic calli
15. Journal of Cell and Tissue Research 12(2) 3225-3228 (2012)
TSH decreasing effect of metformin in hypothyroid, obese women with polycystic ovarian syndrome and features of metabolic syndrome
Kaur, S., Mittal, R., Dahiya, K., Mittal, N. and Kaur, S.
Department of Pharmacology, Pt. B.D. Sharma Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana;
E. mail: rakesh7878@yahoo.co.in
Abstract: The present study was planned primarily to see the effect of metformin on serum TSH, free T3 (FT3), and free T4 (FT4) and secondarily was also to see the effect of metformin on parameters constituting metabolic syndrome like weight, waist circumference, fasting blood glucose (FBG), triglycerides, HDL-C, LDL-C and total cholesterol levels in hypothyroid, obese women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. In this study 40 patients received Metformin 1500 mg daily for 6 months and investigated for the clinical and laboratory parameters. The study shows that metformin causes a significant decrease in TSH level, weight, waist circumference, fasting blood glucose (FBG), triglycerides, LDL-C levels but total cholesterol, HDL-C, FT3, FT4 levels were not altered. Hence, it can be concluded that metformin can play a significant role in reduction of incidence of metabolic syndrome apart from reducing the insulin resistance in patients with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and parameters of metabolic syndrome.
Key words: Metformin, PCOS, Hypothyroid, TSH, Metabolic syndrome
16. Journal of Cell and Tissue Research 12(2) 3229-3234 (2012)
Effective callus induction and plant regeneration in Brassica napus (L.) VAR DGS-1
Sharma, M. and Gupta, S.K.
Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, SKUAST-J, Chatha, Jammu (J&K) 180 009.
E. mail: munishsangra@gmail.com
Abstract: The establishment of cultures was done by inoculating the stem sections measuring 0.5-1.0 cm of Brassica napus var. DGS-1 in vitro grown seedlings on modified MS medium supplemented with various concentrations and combinations of different growth regulators viz., 2,4-D, BAP and Kinetin. Response to callus induction differed accordingly to the levels of hormonal treatments. Among various Auxins used, 2, 4-D produced the best results with respect to callus formation. Fully developed calli were formed in the media containing 2, 4–D (1.5 mg l-1). In this combination, friable calli were formed which were initially yellowish green in colour and later turned pale yellow. Callus induction was lower at other levels of 2, 4–D. However, increasing 2, 4-D beyond 1.5mg l-1 suppressed callus induction. For shoot regeneration, the calli were cut into small pieces and cultured on MS medium supplemented with different combinations and concentrations of various growth regulators viz, BAP, NAA, Kn, IAA and AgNO3. The maximum shoot regeneration was observed on the medium containing 3 mg l-1 Kn, 0.50 mg l-1 NAA and 1 mg l-1 AgNO3. In vitro grown shoots were separated and transferred to different combinations of rooting media i.e. MS medium supplemented with various concentrations of two Auxins viz. NAA and IAA. The maximum root regeneration was observed on the media containing MS half strength (hormone free) + 15 g l-1 sucrose.
Key words: Brassica napus, Hormonal treatment, Callus induction
17. Journal of Cell and Tissue Research 12(2) 3235-3240 (2012)
Plasma kinins - Pharmacological and therapeutic perspectives: A review
Verma, S., Jindal, P., Gupta, M. C. and Kaushal, J.
Department of Pharmacology, Pt. B. D. Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak 124001 Haryana. E. mail: savita_verma@hotmail.com
Abstract: Plasma kinins are polypeptides split off from a plasma globulin kininogen by the action of specific enzymes kallikreins. The duality and the complexity of this system have made it a subject of intensive research. Kinins exert their pharmacological activities by binding to specific receptors, before being metabolized by various peptidases. An understanding of the multifaceted aspects of the different constituents of this system is necessary to grasp the complexity of its multiple pharmacological activities, mediated not only by kinins and their receptors, but also by their precursors and activators, and the metallopeptidases and antiproteases that limit their activities. Kinins have been implicated in many physiological (regulation of blood pressure, renal and cardiac functions) and pathological processes (pain and inflammation) which has led to interest in developing modulators of bradykinin receptors as potential therapeutics for the treatment of wide variety of conditions. The purpose of this article is to summarize the multiple pharmacological interventions that modulate the functions of this system and their therapeutic potentials
Key words: Plasma kinins, Kallikreins, Bradykinin receptors, Modulators
18. Journal of Cell and Tissue Research 12(2) 3241-3244 (2012)
Studies on seed tissue cultuer and organogenesis of Aloe vera
Patel, D. and Sail, S.S.
Smt. K. P. Patel College of Home Science, Anand People’s Medicare Society, Anand 388 315, Gujarat
Abstract: Aloe vera (Barbadensis) is world widely used as a medicinal plant in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. It has to slow propagation rate to meet demand of high quality planting material for commercial cultivation, so selection of tissue culture techniques by using seeds as an explants was standardized. Explants were initiated on MS medium containing different ratio of α NAA( 0.5mg/L ,0.1mg/L ,1mg/L ) . Maximum Cell differentiation (callus) was achieved on medium containing α NAA 0.1mg/ L. After 12 days Initiation was started, but after 30 days highest callus formation was seen in the 0.5mg/L of α NAA containing medium comparison with the basal media. The Shoot proliferation was found better after sub culturing of callus in different ratio of BAP (0.1mg//L, 0.5mg/Land,1mg/L).The maximum Shoot proliferation with 5-multiplication rate was observed shoots after 35-40 days.
Key word: Aloe vera, Shoot proliferation
19. Journal of Cell and Tissue Research 12(2) 3245-3248 (2012)
Variation in minerals and some organic osmolytes in the leaves of mangrove Sonneratia alba J. Smith. and Sonneratia apetala Buch. - Ham. induced due to age progression
Gokhale, M.V., Shaikh, S.S., Telave, A.B. and Chavan, N.S.
Department of Botany, K. B. P. College, Urun-Islampur 415 409 (MS). E. mail: mvgokhale20011@yahoo.com
Abstract: Sonneratia alba J. Smith and Sonneratia apetala Buch. – Ham. are the salt accumulating mangrove species. Present paper reports variations in the inorganic constituents, trace elements and some organic osmolytes from the leaves of different age of these species. There are some marked differences in the mineral and organic osmolyte status of these species. Essential elements and organic compounds are translocated away from the senescent leaves. Sodium and chloride show accumulation as per increase in the leaf age.
Key words: Mangrove, Sonneratia, Leaf age, Minerals, Organic osmolytes
20. Journal of Cell and Tissue Research 12(2) 3249-3254 (2012)
Synergistic bactericidal activity of silver nanoparticles and ciprofloxacin against phytopathogens
Mala, R., Arunachalam, P. and Sivasankari, M.
Department of Biotechnology, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi 626005,Tamilnadu.
E. mail: maalsindia@gmail.com
Abstract: The present study is to concentrate on the synergistic bactericidal effect of silver nanoparticles and ciproflaxacin against Pseudomonas solanocearum, Pseudomonas syringae, Xanthomonas malvacearum and Xanthomonas campestris. Silver nanoparticles were prepared in 0.1mM, 0.2 mM and 0.3 mM by Spirulina platensis. It exhibited anti microbial activity against all phytopathogens with varying degrees. The inhibition zone was 13mm, 18mm and 18mm at 0.1 mM, 0.2 mM and 0.3 mM respectively against Pseudomonas solanocearum. Pseudomonas syringae was comparatively less susceptible and exhibited 12mm, 16mm and 17mm inhibition zone at the same concentration. The antimicrobial activity was less in both Xanthomonas malvacearum and Xanthomonas campestris. When 0.2mM silver nanoparticles were used in combination with 1µg of ciprofloxacin the antiphytopathogenic activity was remarkably increased to 36mm, 40mm, 33mm and 35mm against all the Phytopathogens. Similarly MIC and MBC values were also decreased significantly showing the synergistic activity between silver nanoparticles and ciproflaxacin.
Key words: Silver nano particles, ciprofloxacin, phytopathogens, Spirulina platensis
21. Journal of Cell and Tissue Research 12(2) 3255-3260 (2012)
Phenolic content and antibacterial effect of guava (Allahabad safeda and Bhavnagar red)
Viraj, R. and Pillai, A.
P.G. Department of Home Science, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar-388120,
E. mail: virajshalin@gmail.com
Abstract: In present communication phenolic compounds and antibacterial activity of two different varieties of guava (Psidium gujava), Allahabad safeda and Bhavnagar red were evaluated. Total phenol and total flavonoid content were assessed from both the varieties using different solvent for extraction and antibacterial activity against selected gram positive and gram negative bacterial strains. The results reveal that phenolic and total flavanoid contents were higher in Bhavnagar red variety compared to Allahabad safeda. Bhavnagar red variety showed higher antibacterial activities agains E. coli and B. cerus and B. subtilis where as Allahabad safeda variety showed antibacterial activities against P. aeruginosa and S. aureus. Besides, good nutritional composition, guava fruit is equally important for its phenolic content as well as its anti bacterial properties which can be considered under category of functional food.
Key words: Allahabad safeda; Bhavnagar red; Antioxidant; Antibacterial
22. Journal of Cell and Tissue Research 12(2) 3261-3264 (2012)
In vitro morphogenesis of medicinally important Andrographis paniculata nees through hypocotyl explants
Jha, Z., Behar, N., Sharma, S.N., Mannade, A., Kumar, A. and Sharma, D.K.
Department of Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, IGKV, Raipur 492006
E. mail: shivsharma.bt@gmail.com
Abstract: Morphogenesis through hypocotyl explant of medicinally important Andrographis paniculata Nees is reported in this study. In vitro generated hypocotyl of A. paniculata cultured on MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of BAP and 2,4D alone and in combination for callusing leads to multiple shoots. The callusing performance was highest in BAP and 2,4D combination and shoot multiplication was obtained in MS containing 10μM BAP. The regenerated shootlets were rooted on MS basal medium. The plantlets, thus developed were hardened and successfully established in soil. Tissue culture raised plants exhibited normal growth, flowering and pod setting.
Key words: Andrographis paniculata, Hypocotyl, Morphogenesis, Micropropagation
