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Pharmacology & Therapy » Instructions to Authors

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Call for papers:Investigations related to various aspects of Environmental Research and Biodiversity are invited..

Preparation of manuscripts:The language of the journal is English. The manuscripts should be typed in double space, character Times New Roman, title in capital (14 points), name (12 points), address (10 points) and text in 11 points. Typing sheet should be of A4 size and have a margin of 1 inch (all side). The general arrangement of the paper should be: TITLE, AFFILIATION, ABSTRACT, KEY WORDS (maximum 5), INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and REFERENCES.

Tables and Figures:Tables must be typed on separate sheets. Graphs {MS EXCEL format), Photographs (300 dpi, JPEG Format)

References:In the text reference should be given by number and same must be represented in reference section accordingly. The format of the references should be as follows:
[1] Journal:Goyal, N., Singh, A.K., Guru, P.Y.: Indian J. Exp. Biol., 33: 222-226 (1995).
[2] Book:Bergmeyer, H.V.: Methods of Enzymatic Analysis (Bergmeyer, H.V. ed.) Acad. Press, New York (1965).
[3] Chapter in book:Sood, P.P. and Rao, A.P.: Mercury detoxication in fish brain. In: Methylmercury Pollution, Toxication and Chelation (Sood, P.P. and Prakash, R. eds), ABD Publishers, Jaipur, pp. 125-137 (1999).

Copy right Transfer:Senior author on the behalf of co-authors have to sign the form for declaration of copy right transfer which will be supplied along with the proof.

Membership: Rs. 2000/- (or US $ 50 for foreign authors) per paper up to 4 pages. Please add Rs. 500/- more for additional up to 2 pages (or US $ 100 for foreign authors up to 8 pages) is desired to maintain the website and handling of manuscript •Authors are allowed to print 50 copies of their papers free of charge from website (No reprints will be supplied by Editor). Assess to web site is free to all authors. 
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